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Phase Locked Loop IC 565 with power supply and 1 meters

Experimental Training Boards (ETB Series)
Phase Locked Loop IC 565  with power supply and 1 meters

Technical Specification

To measure important parameters of Phase Locked Loop (PLL) IC 565 :
01 VCO Characteristics 
1.1 To study and measure the free running frequency or centre frequency of VCO.
1.2  To study the VCO sensitivity
1.3  To study the VCO linearity
02 PLL Characteristics 
2.1  To study and measure the capture range and lock range.
03 PLL Applications 
3.1  Frequency synthesis
3.2  F.M. De-modulation
3.3  A.M. De-modulation

Our Location

B-28, Fateh Singh Scheme,
Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302006

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Opening Hours

Mon-Fri (09.00-18.00)
Sat-Sun (Closed)